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Collecting Box Tops is a quick and painless way to help out the school. Mrs. Elliott collects Box Tops to support the music program at Beaver Tech by using the funds earned to purchase iPods and other items needed for the music room.

Each Box Top is worth 10 cents, but just think of the possibilities if each student brought in 10-20 or more each year! We could far surpass Mrs. Elliott's goal and create new opportunities in the music room to benefit more students.

For more information about the Box Tops program and which products you can collect from visit

Who doesn't love to shop on Especially if you subscribe to Amazon Prime and benefit from free 2 day shipping. Well, now your shopping habit can help the school. Amazon donates 0.5% of your purchase to Beaver Tech PTA, which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Make sure you select us as your charity on and let the shopping begin!

When you add us as your charitible organization, make sure you search for Beaver Technology Center PTA or our full listing name "PTA Texas Congress 4116 Beaver Technology Center."


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