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Your 2022-2023 PTA Board

We still have open positions for the 2022-2023 school year as a standing chair or organizing an event. If you are interested in any open position, please contact PTA President Allison Shepheard. Thanks!

Executive Board


Allison Shepheard

Fundraising & Programs

Amber Escobedo


Brooke Talley


Juan Campos

Standing Chairs


Bilingual Liaison - Spanish

Hector Escobedo


Volunteer Coordinator

Blair Booker



Paula Powers


Audrey Smallwood


Open Position


Arts in Education

Auction Lead

Bilingual Liaison - Vietnamese


Community Involvement

Council Delegate


Health & Safety



School Supplies

Trunk or Treat

Dudes on Duty


Arts in Education - Promote the Arts in Education program. Coordinate and encourage student participation in the Reflections program and 5th Grade Greeting Card contest.

Auction - Coordinate with the Carnival Chair to organize, solicit, and set-up of the annual auction to be held in conjunction with the school carnival.

Bilingual Liaison - Serve as representative of the bilingual families at the school, work with teachers and the Volunteer Coordinator to recruit bilingual volunteers, coordinate with the Room Representative for the bilingual room parent orientation, and serve as a translator for PTA needs

Community Involvement - Plan service projects, activities, or programs that promote citizenship and character among students and encourages community involvement. Coordinate with the school to plan events during the school year that encourage parent, student, and community involvement

Council Delegate - Attend monthly council meetings and report back to the PTA, submit the Outstanding Monthly PTA award to Council, collect nominees for Teacher and Principal of the Year Awards, when deemed appropriate and enter submission.

Health and Safety - Coordinate programs that promote health and safety. Publicize matters of child health and safety via newsletter articles and other printed materials, plan health and safety events to take place at the school carnival or other appropriate school event.

Hospitality - Plan and coordinate meals/snacks for school staff during Meet the Teacher Night and parent-teacher conferences, coordinate monthly Teacher Appreciation Meals, arrange Teacher Appreciation Week activities, and send notes of condolence, congratulations, etc. Provide hospitality/refreshments at the request of the PTA board.

Legislation - Serve as Legislative Action Chairman by keeping members informed of PTA legislation and any legislative actions that are being undertaken by PTA, inform members of community events such as voting days.

Newsletter - Coordinates with the Executive Board, event coordinators, as well as Beaver Tech and G.I.S.D. staff to gather articles for monthly or bi-monthly newsletters

School Supplies - Run the school supply process from start to finish. Walk teachers through the list process, prepare list and work with our rep, take pre-orders, schedule and be available for delivery and sales during porch party. Close out the sale by returning unsold packages and preparing payment arrangements.


Volunteer Coordinator - Work with event chairpersons to compile and coordinate volunteers for all necessary events or when requested by the PTA board or school.

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